Taha hinengaro - Mind
Find youth resources for depression, stress, grief, suicide, and counselling.
Worries? Chat With Someone Trusted

Contact us at Youthline for a chat about anything. It's free. You can phone, text, email anytime or webchat from 10am to 10pm.

Youth Workers
Some schools have youth workers. Youth workers may run activities at lunchtime. They're easy to chat to and are on the side of young people. They are from different organisations such as 24/7. Look on your school's website to see how to find them.
Contact us at Youthline for a chat about anything. It's free. You can phone, text, email anytime, or webchat from 10am to 10pm.

Youth workers
Some schools have youth workers. Youth workers may run activities at lunchtime. They're easy to chat to and are on the side of young people. They are from different organisations such as 24/7. Look on your school's website to see how to find them.

Trusted adult
Who do you know that you could talk to? Look for someone who will listen, won't gossip, and won't judge.
Bigger Worries? Try Free Face-To-Face Counselling

Counselling that is mostly free or koha in Auckland, Palmerston North, and Dunedin

Youth Health Centres
Some youth health centres have free face-to-face counselling (also called 'one stop shops'). They keep your business confidential. But, there is usually a long waiting list.

They offer some free counselling for 25 year olds and under. Sessions can be in-person or online.
Counselling that is mostly free or koha in Auckland, Palmerston North, and Dunedin.
Some youth health centres have free face-to-face counselling (also called 'one stop shops'). They keep your business confidential. But, there is usually a long waiting list.
They offer some free counselling for 25 year olds and under. Sessions can be in-person or online.

School counsellor
Most schools have a counsellor. Some even have a whole health centre, or even a social worker. Look on your school's website to see how to find them.
Serious Mental Worries? Get Professional Help.

General Practitioner (GP)
Talk to your Doctor as they are the gateway to seeing psychologists in the mental health system. Find one near you if you don't have your own GP.
Talk to your Doctor as they are the gateway to seeing psychologists in the mental health system. Find one near you if you don't have your own GP.
Grief From Loss.

Kenzies Gift
This organisation provides one-to-one counselling for young people affected by cancer, serious illness or grief.
This organisation provides one-to-one counselling for young people affected by cancer, serious illness or grief.
Stressed or Depressed

Small Steps
Take these online Small Steps. These are digital tools to help manage your stress, lift your mood or calm your mind.

SPARX is a computerised 'game' for young people aged 12-19 with mild to moderate depression. It teaches you to cope with negative thoughts and feelings.
Take these online Small Steps. These are digital tools to help manage your stress, lift your mood or calm your mind.
SPARX is a computerised 'game' for young people aged 12-19 with mild to moderate depression. It teaches you to cope with negative thoughts and feelings.
Online Therapy
Just a Thought is free online cognitive behavioural therapy. They also offer many courses including depression, sleep or stress, such as Staying on Track.
When life sucks, Aunty Dee will help you figure out your problems using cognitive behavoural therapy.
Taha tinana - Body
Find youth resources for medical issues, sexual health, and sexual assault.
Medical Issues

General practitioner
A great place to start can be your GP. They have access to all kinds of services that can help. To search for a GP near you if you don't have one use Healthpoint.

Healthify gives you an overview to help you decide where to go for help for any sort of issue such as eating disorders, addictions, social anxiety or wisdom teeth!
A great place to start can be your GP. They have access to all kinds of services that can help. If you don't have one near you, search for one on Healthpoint.
Healthify gives you an overview to help you decide where to go for help for any sort of issue such as eating disorders, addictions, social anxiety or wisdom teeth!
Sex and Pregnancy

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa
Experts in sexual and reproductive health. Free for under 22s! Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa gives you the correct info.

Sexual Health Clinics
Just the Facts lists your local sexual health clinic, and NZSHS lists your District Health Boards free Sexual Health Clinics.

DECIDE helps you work out what to do if your pregnancy was unwanted. Pregnancy Helpline can also help you decide, and provides support for your pregnancy.
Experts in sexual and reproductive health. Free for under 22s! Sexual wellbeing gives you the correct info.
DECIDE helps you work out what to do if your pregnancy was unwanted. Pregnancy Helpline can also help you decide, and provides support for your pregnancy.
Sexual Assault

ACC free counselling
ACC pays for counselling sessions if you need support after a physical injury or after experiencing sexual abuse.

Sexual Assault Support
Rape Prevention Education lists organisations that provide rape/sexual assault support, including past assaults.

Safe to Talk
This confidential non-judgemental free helpline is specifically for people who have experienced sexual harm, or want to help someone else.
ACC pays for counselling sessions if you need support after a physical injury or after experiencing sexual abuse.
Rape Prevention Education lists organisations that provide rape/sexual assault support, including past assaults.
This confidential non-judgemental free helpline is specifically for people who have experienced sexual harm, or want to help someone else.
Online Abuse and Safety

Netsafe for online bullying & sexting
Report any online bullying, scams or sexting to Netsafe. Also they have lots of info for protecting yourself.
Report any online bullying, scams or sexting to Netsafe. Also they have lots of info for protecting yourself.
Isolated and Alone? Get Yourself an Ally

The Allies
Get yourself someone who is on your side. The Youthline Allies are young adults trained to support, respect, and back you up.

Headstrong is a free app that connects you with a virtual robot friend who guides you in building your resilience and a healthy outlook on life.
Get yourself someone who is on your side. The Youthline Allies are young adults trained to support, respect, and back you up.
Headstrong is a free app that connects you with a virtual robot friend who guides you in building your resilience and a healthy outlook on life.
Family Relationships and Violence

Family Works
Family Works supports your parents to be better parents with counselling and parenting programmes. They may also help sort out disputes between you and your parents.

Oranga Tamariki
If you’re worried that you, your friend, or another young person is in immediate danger of serious assault. Oranga Tamariki can help, they are a government organisation.

VOYCE - Whakarongo Mai
VOYCE advocates for young people having a poor experience in residential care (Oranga Tamariki, foster or whānau care).

Womens Refuge
Domestic violence is never okay. If your family needs to escape, Women's Refuge is here to support you and your family.

Family Services Directory
There is an organisation for many issues on this database. You can search for a specific service in your area.
Family Works supports your parents to be better parents with counselling and parenting programmes. They may also help sort out disputes between you and your parents.
If you’re worried that you, your friend or another young person is in immediate danger of serious assault. Oranga Tamariki can help, they are a government organisation.
VOYCE advocates for young people having a poor experience in residential care (Oranga Tamariki, foster or whānau care).
Domestic violence is never okay. If your family needs to escape, Women's Refuge is here to support you and your family.
There is an organisation for many issues on this database. You can search for a specific service in your area.
Social Troubles and Your Rights

Youth Law
This service provides free legal advice and information for up to 25 year olds. You can phone between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Youth Tool Kete
Citizen's Advice Bureau have many guides on adulthood like going flatting, problems at work, what to do if you're leaving your job, money, starting study, and traffic offenses.
Citizen's Advice Bureau have many guides on adulthood like going flatting, problems at work, what to do if you're leaving your job, money, starting study and traffic offences.
This service provides free legal advice and information for up to 25 year olds. You can phone between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.
Taha wairua - Beyond
Find your purpose, identity, kindness, home, and wellness.
Find & Pursue Your Purpose
Get ideas for possible careers using CareerQuest.
What gets your interest? Find a group doing the same by typing your interest into the search box.
NauMai has lists of local Churches and Temples from the main religions in Aotearoa.
Discover and Own Your Identity and Strengths

Strengths finder
Take this 10-15 minute free strengths quiz now to discover your top strengths and learn some new ways to apply them in your life.

Are you part of the Rainbow community? Out and proud, or not sure. Outline can support you by phone or chat.
Take this 10-15 minute free strengths quiz now to discover your top strengths and learn some new ways to apply them in your life.
Are you part of the Rainbow community? Out and proud, or not sure. Outline can support you by phone or chat.
Help and be Kind to Others

Volunteering provides purpose and belonging. Find opportunities at your local volunteer centre, or SEEK Volunteer, Collaborate, or HelpTank.

Volunteering provides purpose and belonging. Find opportunities at your local volunteer centre, or SEEK Volunteer, Collaborate, or HelpTank.
Purpose and happiness also comes from sharing a little love.
Find a Home

Youth service - ratonga taiohi
If things aren't working out Youth Service can help with housing, living costs, education and work.

Work and income's emergency housing
If you're over 16 and have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next 7 days, Work and Income may be able to pay for emergency housing.
If things aren't working out, Youth Service can help with housing, living costs, education and work.
If you're over 16 and have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next 7 days, Work and Income may be able to pay for emergency housing.
Expand Your Wellbeing

All Right Campaign
All Right? sends you on mini-missions to up your wellbeing with Get Appy, or Hikitia Te Hā's te reo breathing exercises using a taiaha.
All Right? Sends you on mini-missions to up your wellbeing with Get Appy, or Hikitia Te Hā's te reo breathing exercises using a taiaha...
Free Physical Youth Info Cards for Schools and Organisations
Are you connected with young people who could benefit from a Youth Info Card? Youthline Central South Island is dedicated to ensuring that every young person in New Zealand knows where to find help for mental health issues, free counselling, sexual health, legal support, and more. We are offering free Youth Info Cards to schools and organisations across the South Island, from Waitaki to Tasman Districts.
We will supply enough youth info cards for every young person in your institution. To request your free youth info cards, simply email us at mentoring@youthlinecsi.org.nz. Help us spread the word and ensure every young person can find help!

Thank you Ministry of Youth Development
The Youth Info Card and Manaaki Connectors programme were made possible thanks to funding from the Ministry of Youth Development.